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nonstylized dancesmap

Known mostly in the region of Wielkopolska, this dance is performed mainly between the wiwat and równy dances. In different subregions of Wielkopolska the przodek has taken different courses, (e.g. przodek biskupiański, przodek szamotulski, przodek of Leszno), but the adoration of the leading pair remains the common feature of every variant of the przodek.

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The dance is characterized by a slow tempo – it is performed in the 3/4 or 3/8 metre. In the area of Wielkopolska this dance has been a form of honouring distinguished persons (e.g. the parents of the bride and groom, matchmakers) by the young dancers who "served" them during the dance. The manner in which the dance begins, along with its course and the length, were different depending on the context of performance and local traditions, yet it always began with a single pair who, after short dancing, invited other pairs (or all of them) to the dance. Jan Bzdęga of Domachowo described this dance in his book "Wesele Biskupiańskie" [The Biskupizna Wedding] (1992), "A pair dances in the center, whirling to the left or to the right (...) like in the waltz, but instead of sliding steps, they take small walking steps on their entire feet (...) Young male dancers form the circle around the pair and "serve" them running rhythmically towards the left, one after the other. While running they crack whips and wave with wedding scarves (...) When the second part of the melody ends, young dancers stop and take three accented steps while standing. They then repeat the entire course from the very first tact, running in the opposite direction". The przodek ends when the leading pair stops. Then the host (i.e. the leading dancer) raises his right hand and exclaims "Choos!", upon which he begins to sing a folk song which heralds the subsequent dance, most frequently the równy, and the remaining dancers follow suit.


Bobrowska, Mirosława; Budzik, Kazimierz. Wielkopolski folklor taneczny: Ziemia Szamotulska [The Dance Folklore of the Wielkopolska Region: The Case of the Area of Szamotuły] Poznan: Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna i Centrum Animacji Kultury, 2007.

Bzdęga, Jan z Domachowa. Wesele biskupiańskie [The Biskupizna Wedding]. Gostyn: Gostyńskie Towarzystwo Kulturalne, 1992.

Sobieska, Janina; Sobieski, Marian. Polska muzyka ludowa i jej problemy [Polish Folk Music and its Prolblems]. Cracow: PWM, 1973.