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równy wielkopolski

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In Wielkopolska, particularly in the subregion of Biskupiźna, the równy closes the cycle of traditional dances (wiwat - przodek - równy) performed during ceremonies or folk dancing. Commonly referred to as the chodzony, okrągły, or oberek, the równy is danced by pairs which walk and whirl moving against the sun, with the sun, and again against the sun. Every pair has a chance to show off their skills in front of the remaining dancers, performing the so-called kulawy (lamely), either on their own or accompanied by another pair, in which case they pass each other very close in the centre of a circle.

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The tempo of the dance is moderate (3/8 metre). The leading pair that ends the przodek, i.e. the previous dance, invites the rest of dancers to join them in the równy. The dancers form pairs in a closed position and, following the leading pair, they start whirling in regular, small and flat mazurka steps. From time to time, pairs break off whirling and they continue the dance in a walking motion (while still remaining in the closed position) taking marching steps along the circle - boys walking forward, girls backwards. If one or more pairs want to show off in the dance, they begin to whirl in simple, round steps in the centre of a circle. A change in the direction of the dance is announced by the former or current leader who sings the song in front of musicians. He stars the dance anew, but in the opposite direction. After the singing part, the remaining dancers join in, dancing till the next change of the leader. The równy  is a dance in which all pairs can boast their abilities performing kulawy in the centre of a circle formed by the rest of dancers. The dance is most often repeated three times, and each time the pairs move in the direction opposite to the one they followed previously.


Bzdęga, Jan z Domachowa. Wesele biskupiańskie [The Biskupizna Wedding]. Gostyń: Gostyńskie Towarzystwo Kulturalne, 1992.

Dąbrowska, Grażyna W. Tańcujże dobrze [Dance Fine, Will You?] Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1991.

Glapa, Adam; Kowalski, Alfons. Tańce i zabawy wielkopolskie [Dances and Games of the Wielkpolska Region]. Wrocław: PTL, 1961.