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A regional version of polka popular in Opoczno, Rawa and Radom regions. In Pogórze Gorlickie piedmont, there was a dreptana (walking) polka-mazurka whose rhythm, however, much differed from that of mazurek. Polka-mazur was also mentioned in 19th-century records of weddings in Sieradz region.

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The dance has a fast tempo, 3/4 metre, and is performed to a melody without an accompanying song (przyśpiewka). The pairs in closed handhold rotate in place or moving slightly along a circle line. The dancers perform short walking (dreptane) steps, smoothly and without ample turns. On “one”, they gently accentuate the steps by stamping in place. An artistically modified version of this dance, adapted to the melody of Opoczno polka-mazur as tramblanka, is performed by the Mazowsze Ensemble.


Dekowski, Jan P.; Hauke, Zbigniew. Folklor regionu opoczyńskiego. Warszawa: Centralny Ośrodek Metodyki Upowszechniania Kultury, 1974.

Haszczak, Alicja. Folklor taneczny Ziemi Rzeszowskiej. Warszawa: Centralny Ośrodek Metodyki Upowszechniania Kultury, 1989.